High rates of youth living in institutions in Vietnam drop out of school and fail to finish high school
developing confidence
When children feel overwhelmed by school and worried about their futures, education programs that help them regain their interest in learning and support them in developing their confidence can make all the difference towards restoring their self-esteem.

Meet 3 amazing young ladies
Confidence building moments can come in many different ways. But, usually, they come when a significant effort is rewarded by a promising result. For Tuyen, Thu, and My, their confidence soared when the book sharing app they created advanced to the final round of a global challenge featuring nearly 6,000 participants.

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Your gift can truly be the difference maker in helping students to stay in school and choose to pursue university.
starting with STEM
From our earliest days, Kidspire Vietnam has relied on STEM as our educational platform for engaging students in learning while helping them to prepare for their futures.
We love STEM! We love how the wide variety of topics in STEM allows each student to engage in a field that interests them most. And most of all, we love teaching our students skills that they will need in their future careers. But time and time again we observed high performing students from our STEM classes drop out of school and leave the orphanage, doubting that they would be capable of achieving a good job. So we made a change. We adapted our curriculum by incorporating social emotional tools alongside STEM - emphasizing a priority on the mental health of our students.

meet our team in vietnam
These amazing teachers make it all possible!
a look at our programs
Over 15 years of working with youth in Vietnam, we have learned the importance of continually adapting our programs so we are adjusting to the needs of our students!

Digital Literacy
It is crucial for youth to develop their capabilities in basic digital and internet literacy. Kidspire offers 10-week seminars designed to help participating youth develop their digital proficiency. Kidspire also offers multiple levels: A, B, C.
Girl Empowerment
This girls only cohort provides girls with the opportunity to collaborate and learn together, and be mentored by women who are well established in their careers. Many girls participating in our classes had shared that their local community often dissuaded them from their career preferences because of their gender. So we created this program to lift up and empower these amazing girls.
Focus 360
Our most comprehensive program, Focus 360 is designed to provide youth living within 3 partner orphanages with wraparound support services. Over 5 days a week, student participate in STEM and digital literacy classes, homework tutoring, and have access to mental health professionals.
These fun 5 day summer camps provide opportunities for students to engage in longer activities that may require multiple days. Each STEM Camp culminates with groups of students pitching their projects to the other students.
Rise Up
When the time comes for our students to transition out of the orphanage and take steps into their young adult lives, Kidspire stands ready to offer support. From their housing search to resume writing to interview practice to mentoring and introductions to employers in our network, we are ready.
Kidspire’s STEM Bus ensures that youth living in remote regions of Vietnam have the opportunity to access high quality STEM education. The teaching team brings a bus (actually, it’s a van) full of fun STEM activities to some of the most underserved and under-resourced locations, helping youth to experience STEM education for the first time!